Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 08, 2009
Alex: Can you believe Leo and I found each other? I've been such a loser with guys... Man: Drew? Drew: Hi, Lars. What's up? Man: You. You're looking destabilizingly hot today! Everyone is watching! Drew: Really? Okay, thanks for the heads-up, Lars. Man: No problem. Alex: What's it like in Drew world? ANy openings? Drew: Hell yeah. You want to take over?
StuStu2U over 15 years ago
Leo is Toggle.
ChiehHsia over 15 years ago
Great answer, Drew. Wonder if Drew is an avatar of Dru, or vice versa?
ironflange over 15 years ago
Those MIT boys, always with the smooth talk.
MamaTaney over 15 years ago
I always preferred Alex over Drew
KenyarJad over 15 years ago
Drew seems to be very plainly dressed, IMO. Hardly destabilizing.
gaebie over 15 years ago
“Drew seems to be very plainly dressed, IMO. Hardly destabilizing.”
There are some chicks who are just HOT, no matter what they wear, nothing they can do about their body. I think Drew is aware and would rather let someone else like Alex get noticed for awhile.
pbarnrob over 15 years ago
It probably gets right in the way of getting real studying done, for that matter.