Well I’ll be dogged. She appears to have been on the up and up, and to have gone through with it. Unless she was taking hidden camera video, WITH audio, as part of a sting. I still have hope for a major plot twist.
If it helps, I have a Moroccan leather jacket. I ofter wonder how many Moroccans died to make it. Wait!! maybe those Moroccans dies of natural causes and were skinned with love and intricate religious rites.
BE THIS GUY about 7 years ago
Nobody wants to be her secret Santa this year.
Rosette about 7 years ago
I must have missed the “Uncle Burt runs a mink farm” storyline.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 7 years ago
Well I’ll be dogged. She appears to have been on the up and up, and to have gone through with it. Unless she was taking hidden camera video, WITH audio, as part of a sting. I still have hope for a major plot twist.
KristineKuhns about 7 years ago
Anybody going to get upset about the goose down in parkas?
jakko1 about 7 years ago
“The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.” Leonardo da Vinci
LivelyClamor about 7 years ago
Maybe no upset about goose down because you have to risk your life and limb to get past the bird’s beak to get the down off? Oh wait…
Canajin eh about 7 years ago
If it helps, I have a Moroccan leather jacket. I ofter wonder how many Moroccans died to make it. Wait!! maybe those Moroccans dies of natural causes and were skinned with love and intricate religious rites.
edonline about 7 years ago
Mikey? Has anyone else in the strip ever referred to Mike that way?
robert39503 about 7 years ago
The don’t care about anything as long as it doesn’t show. When they are out causing problems for people and damaging some else’s property.
Bysshe about 7 years ago
So geese are an endangered species? On which planet?>
PeterAustin about 7 years ago
Oh a Jewish name. She’s Jewish, so insults in the street are a matter for smug approval? Horrific.