fer all you single folks…if you are with a person for a long time, they get to know what you are thinking and what you will be saying…….i learned to keep my mouth shut because i know my wife will be doing the talking and thinking for me….that means i will savemy breath and live longer than her...( i hope..) LOL
The Nihilist almost 13 years ago
What you say but — Old Marrieds
My wife will that with me and all I do is raise an eyebrow…
kbyrdleroy123 almost 13 years ago
That’s what wives do.
Big_Tex almost 13 years ago
Ralph is a little too obivious, even I knew he was going to ask “whats for supper”. Hes near his cooking wife.
flagfly almost 13 years ago
She can see right through him mentally…not physically…which is probably impossible even with X-rays.
2Goldfish almost 13 years ago
Fagan has used this gag several times already in this strip.
REDROCKER51 almost 13 years ago
fer all you single folks…if you are with a person for a long time, they get to know what you are thinking and what you will be saying…….i learned to keep my mouth shut because i know my wife will be doing the talking and thinking for me….that means i will savemy breath and live longer than her...( i hope..) LOL
whenlifewassimpler almost 13 years ago
We do the same thing here.
BigChiefDesoto almost 13 years ago
“Piece of cake!!” She simply heard his stomach growling!!