Ralph: Having a bad day, son? Always remember... "When life stinks, open a window." Norman: That's rather profound! Did that just occur to you? Ralph: No, I thought of it the last time your mom cooked Brussels sprouts.
Or cabbage… that kinda stinks when you cook it….
It kinds stinks later, too.
Or when someone microwaves fish at work
Better to open a window than curse the stink.
She’s not cooking them correctly, then, if they stink. Roasted brussels sprouts are great!
Ralph has been on a roll!
June 19, 2015
johovey over 9 years ago
Or cabbage… that kinda stinks when you cook it….
e.groves over 9 years ago
It kinds stinks later, too.
eolan59 over 9 years ago
Or when someone microwaves fish at work
Mad Sci over 9 years ago
Better to open a window than curse the stink.
Krazgamer over 9 years ago
She’s not cooking them correctly, then, if they stink. Roasted brussels sprouts are great!
bjy1293 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Jaythor 12 months ago
Ralph has been on a roll!