Win, Lose, Drew by Drew Litton for February 18, 2025

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    Pluggergirl  1 day ago


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    pamela welch Premium Member 1 day ago

    Spot on, Drew, as usual ♥♥

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    Rich Douglas  1 day ago

    The Pro Bowl has always been dumb. Football is a violent game; no one wants to smash and get smashed for no reason.

    The NBA All-Star Game used to be a lot of fun. But that was when salaries were still particularly low and the difference between the winners’ and losers’ payouts mattered. They don’t anymore, with the top 30 players making nearly $2 billion per year collectively. So, it’s just a pick-up game, but worse since the players (a) aren’t battling to keep the court and play who has “next,” and (b) do this for a living and would rather take a break.

    Baseball remains fun, but decreasingly so for pitchers who are now on strict schedules and limits.

    And then there’s hockey. No, wait, no one cares about watching a bunch of guys who can’t skate well enough to get into the Ice Capades, nor fight well enough to get into the ring.

    So, what to do about it? Nothing, really. And certainly not the “silly season” events they’ve become lately. (Again, except for baseball.) The times for real competition at all-star games is over.

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    mikendi  1 day ago

    So you didn’t watch the NHL’s 4 Nation Faceoff? It was really quite good!

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    wildlandwaters  about 14 hours ago

    I always thought the old version of the nfl “all star” game was a joke anyway, so I actually enjoy the fun and games they do now

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  about 13 hours ago

    Maybe we don’t need all star games anymore. It made more sense with much less sports media bandwidth then we have now

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