I’m always staying up till clam chowder, when I ought to go to bed at herring in sour cream.
Leo smarter than Bob. Bob doesn’t know what time it is. Leo knows what time is for..So does my cat. He tap dances on my face and demands ‘feed me’ at precisely the same time, regardless of day-light savings.
I’m thinkin’ Leo suffers from ‘food on the brain’!
Charlie Podrebarac
July 10, 2015
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
I’m always staying up till clam chowder, when I ought to go to bed at herring in sour cream.
EXCALABUR over 11 years ago
bopard over 11 years ago
Leo smarter than Bob. Bob doesn’t know what time it is. Leo knows what time is for..So does my cat. He tap dances on my face and demands ‘feed me’ at precisely the same time, regardless of day-light savings.
Kathe over 11 years ago
I’m thinkin’ Leo suffers from ‘food on the brain’!