“I’ll think about it” will turn into a reluctant “yes” and then she will torture the family every day leading up to it, and especially the night of the party itself. She’ll do all the work involved complaining every step of the way. One good thing should happen, Michael should learn to never ask Elly to do these things if he wants to maintain his and the rest of the family’s sanity.
Templo S.U.D. over 11 years ago
Halloween is only ten days away
g55rumpy over 11 years ago
do you have a point, or are you just a broken pencil?
warden145 over 11 years ago
In the house I grew up in, behaving that way was a great way to turn an “I’ll think about it” into a “No” (typically at high volume) very quickly!
Gator007 over 11 years ago
Why have a party when you can go to “Fall Festivals” that many churches have on that night?
metagalaxy1970 over 11 years ago
At Gator007, what’s wrong with Halloween parties? Why does it have to be “Fall Festivals”?
Chris Kenworthy over 11 years ago
bug her to think fast, and she won’t be thinking your way!
dsom8 over 11 years ago
Does every strip have a PITA poster?
sbchamp over 11 years ago
Seems like it…
stncrst over 11 years ago
if she has time to iron bed sheets she should have time for a Halloween party for her kid
alondra over 11 years ago
“I’ll think about it” will turn into a reluctant “yes” and then she will torture the family every day leading up to it, and especially the night of the party itself. She’ll do all the work involved complaining every step of the way. One good thing should happen, Michael should learn to never ask Elly to do these things if he wants to maintain his and the rest of the family’s sanity.
QuietStorm27 over 11 years ago
I would have told my son No at that point.