How injuries happen as you get older: Exercising Picking stuff up sleeping funny Doing anything. yeah anything can kick your @ss now
Anything can, and frequently does.
My back seized up in the middle of the night. Breakfast was naproxen and vodka.
I threw my back out laying on the couch after a massage. Honestly.
[bro] I got neck pain while in bed
October 11, 2017
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Anything can, and frequently does.
PoodleGroomer almost 9 years ago
My back seized up in the middle of the night. Breakfast was naproxen and vodka.
acorbet Premium Member about 6 years ago
I threw my back out laying on the couch after a massage. Honestly.
MoultonFamily 2 months ago
[bro] I got neck pain while in bed