FoxTrot by Bill Amend for October 13, 1988
Mary: I don't know. Sometimes I regret not having children. Andy: And I often wonder what I would have happened if I'd really pursued a career. Mary: I guess no matter what you do, there'll always be lingering questions. Andy: True. True. Mary: Wouldn't it be fun to just trade places? Just for a day? You could run my business, I could run your family! Andy: Oh, no, I couldn't do it. Mary: Oh, come on. I'm sure you could handle it. Andy: No, no, I mean I couldn't do it to you.
PBS1! about 5 years ago
Wife switch.
ButteryPopcorn over 4 years ago
Uh oh…
Josequeen almost 4 years ago
As a result of the pandemic, I always get freaked for a second whenever I see people without masks standing less than 6 feet apart inside
Quincy devour of worlds over 1 year ago
I’m getting looped I went two days ahead and hit random and came back here