Voice: I have unix underpinnings! I have unix underpinnings! Jason: Big deal. Computer: Unix underpants?? Jason: 'Chmod 700 *,' Baby.
Unix underpants-the only undergarment nerdier than Power Ranger Underoos.
And not being afraid to drop trou and show them off-that’s a strain of Calvin if I ever saw one.
No offense, it just is.
And that sight didn’t crack the screen?
I am at a loss of words.
I was not prepared at all.
i want to unsee this
“chmod 700” is unixish for U Can’t Touch This.
Jesus. TMI
Bill Amend
DerkinsVanPelt218 over 14 years ago
Unix underpants-the only undergarment nerdier than Power Ranger Underoos.
And not being afraid to drop trou and show them off-that’s a strain of Calvin if I ever saw one.
COMIC-ER almost 13 years ago
No offense, it just is.
jimboylan almost 8 years ago
And that sight didn’t crack the screen?
hazel power over 7 years ago
I am at a loss of words.
TheEmeraldPark over 6 years ago
JulianJet over 4 years ago
I was not prepared at all.
the thing is- over 4 years ago
i want to unsee this
Anton Sherwood over 2 years ago
“chmod 700” is unixish for U Can’t Touch This.
Huxinator over 1 year ago
Jesus. TMI