@Pizzaman1577 H2O is the chemical formula for water, because a water molecule consists of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Therefore, if you were to list the chemical components using only their abbreviation and without notation, you would have: H H O You’re welcome.
Pelahnar over 12 years ago
What he should do is play a version of Scrabble with Marcus in which all their words are chemical formulas.
Pizzaman1577 over 11 years ago
I don’t get it.
CrazyWriter94 over 11 years ago
@Pizzaman1577 H2O is the chemical formula for water, because a water molecule consists of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Therefore, if you were to list the chemical components using only their abbreviation and without notation, you would have: H H O You’re welcome.
LieutenantCommanderData over 10 years ago
rgcviper 10 months ago
“Now that’s some high-quality H2O … "
— Adam Sandler in The Water Boy