FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for June 18, 2009
Jason: Peter, can you step on it? We're going to be late for the "X-Files" movie. Peter: Like I really care. Jason: Say, Marcus, while we're all in the car, why don't you tell my brother your novel new theory on the relationship between Mulder and Krycek. Marcus: Well, it all goes back to when I was watching the eighth episode of the third season one frame at a time. Peter: Ok, we're here everybody out. Jason: Nothing like a little motivation, eh, Peter? Marcus: Did we just go four miles in 10 seconds? Peter: Out! Out! Let's go!
huskerfan9287 over 15 years ago
I don’t get Peter, I didn’t see the movie but when I did watch the X-files it seemed like a good show
cleokaya over 15 years ago
I don’t think it has anything to do with the movie. He is just embarrassed to be in the car with two little kids in ridiculous costumes.
musicnut1986 over 15 years ago
Marcus in a red Scully wig, what a laugh. I like how the car is distorted and the cords from Peter’s hood are suspended in air due to the extreme negative g-forces from Peter’s panic braking.
mrprongs over 15 years ago
Peter had to be told to go fast? I think he’s sick.
billy2609 almost 12 years ago
24 mph isn’t that fast (4 X 6+ 24)