FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for October 24, 2012
Jason: Commander rider, please negotiate a secure connection to the internet. Computer: Aye-aye, sir. Jason: Mr. Laforge, please plot a course for my personal hard disk sector. Computer: Right away, sir. Jason: Counselor torn, please upload data, utilizing FTP protocol. Marcus: You weren't kidding about this being a "next generation" operating system. Jason: Wesley, empty the trash. Computer: Grumble
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ about 12 years ago
That’s an iFruit not a Windows 8 machine!
rayannina about 12 years ago
Weaselly Wesley always got the scut jobs.
tripwire45 about 12 years ago
That would be my personal job assignment for Wesley as well.
skeeterhawk about 12 years ago
Ha! If MS is coming out with Win8, then iFruit of today should come out with OS – DS9. (I give you all permission to figure out what the ‘D’ and maybe the ‘S’ stand for.)
Poollady about 12 years ago
Poor Data……….
Vora_Lundar about 12 years ago
Best FoxTrot ever.
water_moon about 12 years ago
I liked Wesley at first, he was cute. Then he became the scapegoat to rag on and he’d just whine about, it got annoying.
DerkinsVanPelt218 about 12 years ago
Picard: Shut up Wesley!… Get him onto the security team and let me know what he does.Dr. Crusher: “Shut up Wesley?”Picard: Doctor…Wesley: And since I am finished here sir, may I point out that-Dr. Crusher: Shut up Wesley!
K M about 12 years ago
According to one source, it was derived from “bonecrusher,” said to be another nickname for a doctor (whence DeForest Kelley’s “Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy”).
LOWRIDER84 about 12 years ago
Some of the dialog in TNG re-runs takes on a whole new meaning now that we know that Patrick Stewart is a big old fairy.