FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend for April 10, 2011

  1. Rick
    davidf42  almost 14 years ago

    Good Morning all. Starting my daily toon tour. Check in with you in about a half hour or so. Meanwhile -

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  2. Rick
    davidf42  almost 14 years ago

    (Judge Parker) The trouble with that advice is that the person who takes a crash course in a subject usually learns enough about it to look stupid to the person they’re trying to impress, so I hope Sophie’s careful.

    (Mark Trail) We used to let our police use force.

    (Phantom) A tie-in between the Sunday arc and the weekly arc – Is this usual for this strip?

    (Rex Morgan) I think these two are up to more than an ordinary scam. Looks like it’s going to be a hostage situation!

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  3. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 14 years ago

    (Phntm) Looks like Chatu is going to be part of the new Sunday arc - blended storylines? I like the idea.

    (Rex Morgan) Why does Tony keep a suite at the hotel downtown?

    (Mary Worth) What happened to Liza’s duty to get back to her shift?

    (Apt. 3-G) Just a recap.

    (Mark Trail) Hot Stuff!

    (FoxTrot) First panel: “I need to use the computadora.” Last panel - Paige says (from next room) - “Now Facebook, Now Twitter, Now Tumblr, Now Facebook….”. She has to keep checking & checking to see if there’s anything new (while Peter waits & waits).

    marvee: (FoxTrot) See my reply to you posted at yesterday’s column.

    SWEETBILL: (Judge Parker) What was that you said about worms a couple days ago?

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  4. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  almost 14 years ago

    (REX) They got him! reel in their big fish! Tony’s going to take him to the “sucker” room to get him set up with the clubs perks when they get their $50,000 from him and/or give a taste of his membership, so to speak( FEMALES)

    (3G) —-

    (MW) Yesterday I said lunch or dinner- read her like a book nothing to do with her being blonde ,OF COURSE :-) :-) :-)

    (JP) Ahh, the old days Abbey…………

    @Florchi My April 9 comment, Abbey says ” it’s a Biological imperative for all species” meaning male/female interaction- where as the worm is one specie with both one on each end..

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  5. Th
    marvee  almost 14 years ago

    Foxtrot - loopy is right.

    MW - a simple, quick question and Dr. Drew doesn’t look quite so annoyed.

    Rex - perhpas they’ll just keep the car and leave Dex stuck with the hotel bill. Or david may be right; they’ll try to get some money out of Berna.

    JP - is Abbey a step-mother? Sophie calls her by her first name. I’ll check Wikipedia again.

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  6. Th
    marvee  almost 14 years ago

    Abbey is Sam Driver’s wife and they have 2 adopted children. Sophie is the younger one, the older is in Paris.

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  7. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 14 years ago

    marvee: Whoops. At first I read your above post too fast and though it said the older “is Paris” (instead of “is in Paris”).

    King Features (c) 2011, says ”Sam and Abbey are deeply in love, for their relationship was always implied. And even though they are not married, they share the parental responsibility of raising Neddy and Sophie.”

    While wiki says Sam and Abbey are now married, I am inclined to think King Features may have it right. ???

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