Oh, Fred - that's my thesaurus! I'm sorry, apologetic, guilt-ridden, petntient, regretful, remorseful grieved , melancholy, mournful, pitiful, wretched....
Took the words right out of Fred’s mouth!
And GUILTY! Bad Fred!
Getting a bit old for that Fred, that’s puppy stuff.
Looks like Fred’s eating his words.
Fred was the book sausage flavored ?
The strip’s a mouthful today. Thanks for the laugh, Alex.
opps! I think somebody will be grounded today ;)
Without getting into other languages, what is a synonym for sausage? There is a difference between a thesaurus and a dictionary.
This is one of the better strips!
Thanks Alex, for thinking outside the garden; er, box…
Fred, you know better.
No, a generic is not a synonym of a specific. And besides, I am more likely to have sausage for breakfast or supper than for lunch.
Melvin Sim about 8 years ago
Took the words right out of Fred’s mouth!
alondra about 8 years ago
And GUILTY! Bad Fred!
sceadugenga1 about 8 years ago
Getting a bit old for that Fred, that’s puppy stuff.
MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT about 8 years ago
Looks like Fred’s eating his words.
juicebruce about 8 years ago
Fred was the book sausage flavored ?
mourdac Premium Member about 8 years ago
The strip’s a mouthful today. Thanks for the laugh, Alex.
doggiebin about 8 years ago
opps! I think somebody will be grounded today ;)
hippogriff about 8 years ago
Without getting into other languages, what is a synonym for sausage? There is a difference between a thesaurus and a dictionary.
neverenoughgold about 8 years ago
This is one of the better strips!
Thanks Alex, for thinking outside the garden; er, box…
Ariesr about 8 years ago
Fred, you know better.
hippogriff about 8 years ago
No, a generic is not a synonym of a specific. And besides, I am more likely to have sausage for breakfast or supper than for lunch.