My wife is not a clothes fashionista or anything. so I don’t have to do this. I don’t understand – why doesn’t she just go shopping alone, or with her lady friends? Why drag along the Other Half, who probably couldn’t coordinate a ladies’ outfit if his life depended upon it? (Take it from one who knows – or rather, doesn’t know.)
corpcasselbury almost 11 years ago
I know how Kong feels; I feel the same way when my wife is shopping for clothes.
captainofgondor almost 11 years ago
My wife is not a clothes fashionista or anything. so I don’t have to do this. I don’t understand – why doesn’t she just go shopping alone, or with her lady friends? Why drag along the Other Half, who probably couldn’t coordinate a ladies’ outfit if his life depended upon it? (Take it from one who knows – or rather, doesn’t know.)