Like I said in an earlier comment, Liz is just s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Lucy in “Peanuts”. She can’t (or will not) bring herself to be happy (not wanting to accept, or to take responsibility for, the fact that her misery is a choice SHE made), and she can’t stand it when someone else is. Loser.
LEOCSUTTERIII about 12 years ago
Like I said in an earlier comment, Liz is just s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Lucy in “Peanuts”. She can’t (or will not) bring herself to be happy (not wanting to accept, or to take responsibility for, the fact that her misery is a choice SHE made), and she can’t stand it when someone else is. Loser.
w2lj about 12 years ago
Some people are not happy unless they are miserable. I had a few aunts like that.
ncalifgirl58 about 12 years ago
I’d pick shallow over that mood anyday.
Redhead55 about 12 years ago
I’m with him. Bowl games and NFL get me through it too. (Not much for NBA). And then there’s NASCAR to pick up the rest of the year.
mvw about 12 years ago
Men invented ESPN for more than just sports.