My dad was a schoolteacher and back then, certainly didn’t make a lot of money. While my parents preferred for my mother to stay at home for us, circumstances compelled her to work outside the home on several occasions. It wasn’t until later, that I realized how much my parents sacrificed for my brother and I. I was fortunate enough to have realized it early enough in life to internalize the lesson and to express my appreciation to them both well before they died.
Just-me 12 months ago
My dad was a schoolteacher and back then, certainly didn’t make a lot of money. While my parents preferred for my mother to stay at home for us, circumstances compelled her to work outside the home on several occasions. It wasn’t until later, that I realized how much my parents sacrificed for my brother and I. I was fortunate enough to have realized it early enough in life to internalize the lesson and to express my appreciation to them both well before they died.
mistercatworks 12 months ago
A generation of regrets.
Brent Rosenthal Premium Member 12 months ago
I think that even in 2012 when this strip first ran these old patriarchal attitudes were way outdated