May 14, 2024
what happened to the pain screams?
mommy this band man is bullying me… i need you to get me my pointy stick…
Why does Garfield even go on that thing if he knows he’ll be insulted?
i find that thing halarious
I don’t get it, yet I’m still laughing
RafeWeisz almost 12 years ago
what happened to the pain screams?
jacob.c.bair almost 5 years ago
mommy this band man is bullying me… i need you to get me my pointy stick…
Cedar the squirrel about 4 years ago
Why does Garfield even go on that thing if he knows he’ll be insulted?
someperson almost 4 years ago
i find that thing halarious
I❤️Jason almost 2 years ago
I don’t get it, yet I’m still laughing