Garfield by Jim Davis for May 25, 2008
*boop bip beep beep bip* Liz: Hi, Jon. It's Liz I can't decide what to wear tonight. At first I thought my blue dress would be perfect, but then I decided my red top and skirt would look even better... Then I couldn't find any shoes to go with THAT, so I switched to the green cocktail dress, but the zipper on that was stuck... So I tried the purple strapless gown on, but the clutch purse that goes with it has a huge mascara smudge on it, and besides, I still think it makes my hips look big... So now I'm back to the dress, unless I can find a way to make that red top and skirt work with sandals, or something open-toed in a neutral color. Liz (on the phone): What are you wearing? Jon: My suit. Garfield: Hurray for guys.
grobert93 over 16 years ago
grobert93 over 16 years ago
bbrose10 over 16 years ago
I’m very careful to not do this to my boyfriend.
But I’m still jealous of all males.
supersexyghotmew95 almost 12 years ago
i am jelouse og guys for this resson
☕️*Cxffee*☕️ over 5 years ago
Bruh I just wear anything that isn’t boring with jeans and I’m good
Pets of the comics about 4 years ago
well, that’s the life of having a girlfriend.
camerondawson almost 2 years ago
girls have this complicated process of getting ready. All us boys have to do is splash water on our face and we’re good.