Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for June 04, 2000

  1. Ava5
    BlackFrostWarrior  over 11 years ago

    That’s a good way to lose your hand, holding a cat by the tail.

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    furpurr1210  over 9 years ago

    Actually, it’s not. Cats do not mind having their tails touched, or even petted, like folks think they do.…Just do not TUG at all…!!

    I have one cat with a VERY thick, fluffy tail, & she even lets me scratch it…carefully. 8-)

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    Omniman  over 6 years ago

    Actually, if you start when they’re kittens they don’t mind it so much, except when you hang on.

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    Midnite Wine  almost 4 years ago

    i used to gently tease my cats’ tails

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    WentHulk  27 days ago

    Grabbing a cat by the tail is not a good idea.

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