Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for September 03, 2006
"What's on the tubular, pinkish?" "It's a report on the Tour de France. I don't think Landis doped, no matter what they say." "Pssh. That guy? I know he didn't. I've been around enough catnip heads to know when someone's on drugs, man." "Is that so?" "Their eyes bug out and they start licking themselves and their tails puff out like a pipe cleaner...I don't even see his tail." "So how do you explain this mess?" "Clearly it's a big French conspiracy a la rotten. Go ask Laird Armitage." "Lance Armstrong." "And I'll go one further: if the Nazis had all been wearing Lance Armstrong masks in 1492, maybe the French would have fought back." "Dude, you wouldn't last 15 minutes in France." "Are you suggesting that a German tourist would try to kill me? 'Cause that's mean."