Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for June 07, 2009
Rob says, "Ahhhh, yes! It's finally here! The uber-rare vinyl caped Jawa Star Wars figure! Unopened!" Bucky says, "Well, open it up. Let's destroy it." Rob says, "Destroy it? Are you kidding? I've wanted one of these things since I was six." Bucky says, "Well congratulations. You've come full square." Rob says, "Why are you so nasty all of a sudden? You said this was cool when I was bidding on it." Bucky says, "To destroy, yes. To love on like a little dolly, no. You're taking my words out of context." Rob says, "I'll gladly take your words out of context, but dude -- I am never taking that action figure out of its original packaging." Crinkle Rip Pop Slurrp Rob says, "Satchel! Don't eat that!" Satchel says, "Whup?! I thaved you the head!"
lrwells40 about 3 years ago
When you have pets its hard to have nice things.