While a pain, jury duty is an honor. I’d rather have someone like me on a jury than some of the sleazebats that come up with fake excuses. I come from better stock than that.
I’ve been summoned for jury duty on Nov 14. When I was summoned previously I have been excused because of my law enforcement career. Well now I’m retired, so let’s see how this works out.
Farside99 over 8 years ago
While a pain, jury duty is an honor. I’d rather have someone like me on a jury than some of the sleazebats that come up with fake excuses. I come from better stock than that.
quinones.felix about 8 years ago
I’ve been summoned for jury duty on Nov 14. When I was summoned previously I have been excused because of my law enforcement career. Well now I’m retired, so let’s see how this works out.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly about 8 years ago
And witness protection!!