Casual Friday started in the 1930s when two Stanford engineering graduates founded their small company and spent Monday to Thursday selling their products and then on Friday everyone would help ship the product. The two founders would still wear slacks, but not always a dress shirt, but dressy enough to meet with business associates. Bill (Hewlett) and Dave (Packard) continued the tradition and their company did fairly well for a few decades. Many Silicon Valley companies trace their beginnings to people leaving HP and starting out on their own. And then Carly Fiorina drove HP into the ground. Nowadays Hewlett-Packard seems to be in the business of selling repackaged Canon printers and printer ink.
Many people working from home are enjoying the benefits of a relaxed standard of dress. But the office is not like this unless you are in your home office.
SHAKEDOWNVILLE over 3 years ago
“Stripped” of all dignity.
dcandmx over 3 years ago
I guess they have to change into their birthday suits at work now.
corpcasselbury over 3 years ago
I think maybe that’s a bit too casual…
mistercatworks over 3 years ago
Before you know it, it became “cardboard rectangle Friday”.
Teto85 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Casual Friday started in the 1930s when two Stanford engineering graduates founded their small company and spent Monday to Thursday selling their products and then on Friday everyone would help ship the product. The two founders would still wear slacks, but not always a dress shirt, but dressy enough to meet with business associates. Bill (Hewlett) and Dave (Packard) continued the tradition and their company did fairly well for a few decades. Many Silicon Valley companies trace their beginnings to people leaving HP and starting out on their own. And then Carly Fiorina drove HP into the ground. Nowadays Hewlett-Packard seems to be in the business of selling repackaged Canon printers and printer ink.
Teto85 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Many people working from home are enjoying the benefits of a relaxed standard of dress. But the office is not like this unless you are in your home office.
WCraft Premium Member over 3 years ago