Only thing I wonder is did they build the castle on the volcano, or did the volcano come later?
Of course there are many fine observatories built on volcanoes.
Sounds like something that would build character, as Calvin’s father would say.
my parents would’ve asked why rabid wolves weren’t part of the experience…
It’s just a guess but it is probably haunted by the victims of the vampire/lava monster who probably still lives there.
tudza Premium Member 5 days ago
Only thing I wonder is did they build the castle on the volcano, or did the volcano come later?
Of course there are many fine observatories built on volcanoes.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 5 days ago
Sounds like something that would build character, as Calvin’s father would say.
gopher gofer 4 days ago
my parents would’ve asked why rabid wolves weren’t part of the experience…
timcanny about 8 hours ago
It’s just a guess but it is probably haunted by the victims of the vampire/lava monster who probably still lives there.