Man: That's it, you lot! Into the classroom! move it! move it! Heart: This is nuts! I didn't realize summer school would be this much like prison! Boy: Actually, it's worse... Boy: ...whatever you do, don't chew gum in class!
When I was in second grade my mom “signed” my sister, brother and me for summer school. And we didn’t fail anything the prior year! I think it was a plot to get us out of the house.But it wasn’t bad,we had field trips every Thursday.
Templo S.U.D. almost 13 years ago
Good thing I never did gum in class nor summer school. I’m also the person who rarely does gum in general.
Randy B Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Now with SUPER LONG LASTING bubbles!
melmarsh9v almost 13 years ago
This comic should be required reading for all elementary-school children, to put the fear into them!
dvoyack almost 13 years ago
When I was in second grade my mom “signed” my sister, brother and me for summer school. And we didn’t fail anything the prior year! I think it was a plot to get us out of the house.But it wasn’t bad,we had field trips every Thursday.
Yukoneric almost 13 years ago
Only did one summer session in college so I could sing the song: I done good I done fine.I done did gragiate in ’69!"
TIMH almost 13 years ago
@ghostkeeper…Yeah, the skeleton should have a cowlick.
jimmie loves comics almost 13 years ago
like school in boulder, the 60s.
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago