woman: scotch. dynaman: me, too. scotch! On the rocks. with soda. and a lime. dynaman: and fruit punch, cocoa, cream, cinnamon, pineapple and an umbrella... woman: you're sure you don't wanna--? Dynaman: And hold the scotch...
Put that in a blender & I’ll have what he’s having.
Is this guy the Captain Marvel of Ink Pen?
and, despite his powers and costume, Dynaman would like you to hold his dignity as well as said scotch. I <3 this strip!
zero over 14 years ago
Put that in a blender & I’ll have what he’s having.
Airboy20 over 14 years ago
Is this guy the Captain Marvel of Ink Pen?
praetor1983 over 14 years ago
and, despite his powers and costume, Dynaman would like you to hold his dignity as well as said scotch. I <3 this strip!