Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for March 06, 2021
Tyr: I cannot believe you've never been in a fight. Hamhock: What? I'm a civilized person! I resolve conflicts through dialogue and compromise! Who fights? Tyr: But you're missing out on the thrilling tension of will against will, of one personality trying to consume another!! Hamhock: No, I get that from watching Gilmore Girls. Tyr: Okay, I'm not explaining this right...
well-i-never almost 4 years ago
Well, he’s not wrong. Those episodes were tense!
Sir Ruddy Blighter, Jr. almost 4 years ago
Just a reminder to the colorist that only Tyr’s RIGHT hand is metal. His left hand is real, and his cuffs are blue/gold. For reference, check, oh, any strip since November 2006
WCraft Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Or you could become a political troll – they love to fight without ever getting physical!
knight1192a almost 4 years ago
Short memory. He’s forgotten how he trounced those low rate heroes when he temporarily had Cap’s powers.
LeeAkersSr. almost 4 years ago
A hog is perhaps the most fearsome of animals when angry or in fear. They seem to lose their pain sense, and bite viciously. No creature to my knowledge will face off with an angry pig. Something perhaps Tyr should keep in mind.
Thinkingblade almost 4 years ago
No, he’s definitely not explaining it right … as someone who has been a in a fight and watched Gilmore Girls can attest …