Jane's World by Paige Braddock for June 18, 2014

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    wesbucey  over 10 years ago

    So, it was a trap for BOTH Jill and Chelle! So, the biggest plot hole is “how did these folks know Jill and Chelle were going to rendezvous at this particular saloon?” (did the kidnapers lure them both with a bogus message?)

    what would they have done if Chelle and Jill had miraculously arrived simultaneously?

    If the kidnapers knew enough to lure them and capture Jill, aren’t they aware of the consequences of incurring Chelle’s wrath?

    “DIES IRAE” (Day of Wrath) even has some great symphonic music to accompany the action. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDFFHaz9GsY)

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    Starman1948  over 10 years ago

    Good morning wesbucey and other Jane’s fans. Chelle will really be angry when she reads the note! Chelle will float like a butterfly and sting like a bee! Revenge will be forthcoming shortly.

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    wesbucey  over 10 years ago

    Is that to rhyme with “machete?”

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    Lamberger  over 10 years ago

    Could be pronounced as either “chell” or “shelle”, depending on whether it is short for Michelle - unless her last name is Mitchel ;)

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  5. Hetrodyne
    jruckman  over 10 years ago

    It’s pronounced “shell.”

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