JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for February 04, 2014

  1. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  about 11 years ago

    Before you change the oil, make sure you change the diaper…

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    Agent54  about 11 years ago

    Lessons from my old man: changing oil : The broken down weak oil drains first, the grimy sludge drains last. Never hurry it, drain into a oil pan and get a beer. Come back in 1/2 hour and see if it is still dripping. If so get another beer. Make sure all the grim is out before replugging the pan. Replace filter each time. Fill to mark on stick and get another beer.

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    krys723  about 11 years ago

    My Mom taught me how to change oil as well when I was younger…I can have spare tires just in case I get a flat on the highway…or anywhere for that matter…

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  4. Bgfcvvesve4ipojsr
    Gokie5  about 11 years ago

    And be sure to put the plug back in after you drain the oil and replace it. My husband didn’t do that, I drove the Toyota from south St. Petersburg to USF in north Tompa (36 miles), and got back nearly to the Howard Frankland Bridge when the engine made a funny little sound and I noticed that the heat gauge was on red. The car never was the same after that.

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  5. Bgfcvvesve4ipojsr
    Gokie5  about 11 years ago

    To be fair: Once I checked the oil and forgot to put the cap back on. Ultimately it made a right proper mess!

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    sbchamp  about 11 years ago

    A bit less didactic, perhapsTry talking TO your students rather than AT them

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    celoshortymc  about 11 years ago

    hi& i enjoy jump start as varietaion of many comics I ;am 32 f nj

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    hippogriff  about 11 years ago

    A Common ‘tater: I feel the same way about my Prius. MPG in the low 50s is greatly appreciated, but I wouldn’t dare tamper with all that dual propulsion stuff like I did with my ’57 beetle. Plus I have less agility than I did back then.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member about 11 years ago

    I bet she must learned to change oil before learned how to put on lipstick.

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