Don’t count those chickens before the eggs hatch boys. The Dragon born and company are on their way! OH and and Emer too?
Hey Lex I know how Emer can redeem himself? when the gang catch’s up to them he can go in and distract them while Beo, Grendel and Ermlaf sneak the family out of camp. Take one for the team so to speak? ;~)
Odd Dog Premium Member 11 months ago
Don’t count those chickens before the eggs hatch boys. The Dragon born and company are on their way! OH and and Emer too?
Odd Dog Premium Member 11 months ago
Hey Lex I know how Emer can redeem himself? when the gang catch’s up to them he can go in and distract them while Beo, Grendel and Ermlaf sneak the family out of camp. Take one for the team so to speak? ;~)