La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for September 23, 2010
September 22, 2010
September 24, 2010
Ernesto: This poll of Republicans makes sense... 70% of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim. Maria: Oh Ernie, please... Ernesto: It's true, it's not just another turban legend!
Yup, and how many believe the sun revolves around the earth? Frightening, isn’t it? Why, Health care reform begins today and the insurance companies increased rates 20-25%. Did you believe it wasn’t going to cost a cent? Your new premiums will arrive in November, so take your new beliefs to the voting booth. Change and hope.
Lew you should write your own strip - except for the requirement to be funny, it would be just as ridiculous. After all, it was only FEBRUARY of this year when Anthem Blue Cross requested a 39% rate increase, and only April when it came out that they “used flawed data” to make the request. Guess that was because of reform, too, huh?
Yukoneric over 14 years ago
Cute, but I despise stupid people. Ignorance can be fixed, but stupid is irreparable! Gee, that’s 70% of the Republicans……….
herdleader53 over 14 years ago
And 90% of the Democrats.
lewisbower over 14 years ago
Yup, and how many believe the sun revolves around the earth? Frightening, isn’t it? Why, Health care reform begins today and the insurance companies increased rates 20-25%. Did you believe it wasn’t going to cost a cent? Your new premiums will arrive in November, so take your new beliefs to the voting booth. Change and hope.
Was a great comic though.
Mia.Carino4909 over 14 years ago
Sabes que, Lalo has been on a roll for the last few weeks.. I’ve been cracking up… but this wasn’t that amusing to me.. womp womp womp…..
Trebor39 over 14 years ago
Nope hl, 90% of Democrats know better.
longtimecomicsfan over 14 years ago
Lew you should write your own strip - except for the requirement to be funny, it would be just as ridiculous. After all, it was only FEBRUARY of this year when Anthem Blue Cross requested a 39% rate increase, and only April when it came out that they “used flawed data” to make the request. Guess that was because of reform, too, huh?