La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for January 22, 2015
Cuco: Republican house majority whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) spoke at a David Duke racist conference in 2002. What was that guy thinking? Eddie: Maybe he has a good excuse? KKK Man: "I couldn't tell it was a white supremacist gathering because the burning crosses made everything very smoky."
SKJAM! Premium Member about 10 years ago
As far as can be told, since he was speaking on taxes rather than anything directly racist, Scalise thought he was in the clear.
WestNYC Premium Member about 10 years ago
This is as bad as Robert Byrd being a former member of the KKK and still being made majority leader of the Senate back in the 1970’s by the Democrats.
kaffekup about 10 years ago
In all likelihood, he knew he was speaking to people who thought exactly as he did. Now that he’s a “leader”, he’s throwing them under the bus..Byrd, by the way, was repentant..And who in government has spoken to those groups, most of which don’t even exist in America?
dzw3030 about 10 years ago
1) Everyone has a past to get past. 2) Politicians will always get pasted for their pasts. These are truths exacerbated by modern technology.
tallguy98366 about 10 years ago
Yeah but there’s pasts and then there’s “PASTS”. There are other instances recently that point to a white supremicist background. He lied about not knowing it was a Duke affair and since he’s from the same state as Duke, don’t tell me he didn’t know who he was. Just more evidence of Republican racism.
agrestic about 10 years ago
The claim isn’t that he spoke to the KKK, it’s that he spoke to a “David Duke racist conference.”
And let’s examine your linked claim. It’s looking very much like the “Jefferson Heights Civic Association” you’re claiming he talked to doesn’t even exist. Which is to say that Scalise’s pals are exposing themselves as not just racists, but as inveterate liars.
cepa about 10 years ago
Lets not forget that it was the Solid South the gave us the Jim Crow laws that was in effect until about 1980. During this time the south was under absolute control by the Democrat party.
Sammy Davis Jr. worked hard for Kennedy but when Kennedy did not invite him to the inaugural festivities (or any other blacks) he switched from supporting Kennedy to Nixon.
The south became Democrats after the civil war because Lincoln was a Republican.
If you do not understand or know of the important points in history, you should study them before forming wrong beliefs.
agrestic about 10 years ago
Yup. Funny how they tend not to point to the Republicans of today as leading the charge for racial equality.
agrestic about 10 years ago
It’s generally best not to engage with indie at all. He exists here (and only here) as a troll. He feeds on attention, preferably negative attention, and all you’ll get back is nastiness—pretty much in the hope you’ll give him more negative attention. The best strategy I’ve found is to simply not read his posts at all, much less reply to them.
pam Miner about 10 years ago
lalo about 10 years ago
Dear agrestic, I “RETRO ANNOINT” you as “AN ANNOINTED ONE”, lol.
Dear Indiethink, you have annointed yourself as my NUMBER ONE FAN" Keep on typin’, it only helps me buddy! Gracias!
lalo about 10 years ago