La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 24, 2015
The Beandocks Last week news flash: The Ferguson, Missouri police used their African-American residents' arrests for jay-walking and other non-crimes as a revenue generator. The FPD City Fathers said "Yeah, raising taxes is so un-American. Especially when you have 'jaywalking ATMs' on every corner." The Ferguson PD's official slogan is now "TO SERVE AND COLLECT."
agrestic almost 10 years ago
Not to mention the racist emails from Ferguson cops and officials. The rot goes right to the top in that town, and arguably many others like it. Fortunately, Fort Lauderdale just fired four cops who sent racist texts and made a racist video. But hey, despite the proliferating reports of blatant racism expressed and acted on by cops and government officials around the country—more and more backed up by documentary evidence—it’s still just a few isolated bad apples, right? Right?
echoraven almost 10 years ago
Actually agrestic is correct though honestly this is hardly news. Traffic enforcement is nothing but a revenue generating scheme, if it was about “safety” as we are all told, they would be in plain sight.
dzw3030 almost 10 years ago
Where are the Ferguson officers preferences documented? The local population of Ferguson is predominately Black so they are likely to be the main source of traffic ticket revenue. Speed traps are common in rural communities in all states. Not a good thing in any jurisdiction.
tallguy98366 almost 10 years ago
There are only 22000 people in Ferguson, mostly black, and over 150 cops, all white. The jail looks like a mansion. What a racket. They should fire them all and partner with neighboring towns for their law enforcement needs. I come from a police family and am ashamed of todays crooked cops.
Lord Gaga almost 10 years ago
If reading isn’t your thing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Municipal Violations
zippykatz almost 10 years ago
Yeah, wait til she uses a perfectly good word like “niggardly”.
zippykatz almost 10 years ago
Did I give you the wrong gender? Sorry :>
zippykatz almost 10 years ago
Indie——I was trying to agree with your correct use of “black boy” by suggesting another word, niggardly, that routinely is misconstrued as racist.