Since Lalo’s comic strip has total abandoned comedy in favor of being a mouth piece for the Democratic party, it is reasonable to wonder if he is on the take from the party.
Don57, I do not read Lalo’s editorial because everything is fair in editorials. Comics are suppose to be funny. I comment on his strip to give a little balance to his totally one sided view of politics and his insulting racist portrayal of Mexicans
If he portrayed Blacks the way he portrays Mexican, the NAACP would bring suit against him. Maybe we Mexican should do the same.
On a related subject, as we Mexicans become more educated we tend to the Republican side. There are more Hispanic candidates running for the Presidency on the Republican ticket this year that there has ever been in all the years of the Democratic party.
Templo S.U.D. almost 10 years ago
In English and Spanish (en español e inglés): no.
kaffekup almost 10 years ago
Don’t forget the fake banker.
cepa almost 10 years ago
Since Lalo’s comic strip has total abandoned comedy in favor of being a mouth piece for the Democratic party, it is reasonable to wonder if he is on the take from the party.
lalo almost 10 years ago
Indiethink, here’s an idea -
lalo almost 10 years ago
lalo almost 10 years ago
tallguy98366 almost 10 years ago
Yeah and one was a fake President and the other wants to be a fake President, too.
cepa almost 10 years ago
Don57, I do not read Lalo’s editorial because everything is fair in editorials. Comics are suppose to be funny. I comment on his strip to give a little balance to his totally one sided view of politics and his insulting racist portrayal of Mexicans
If he portrayed Blacks the way he portrays Mexican, the NAACP would bring suit against him. Maybe we Mexican should do the same.
On a related subject, as we Mexicans become more educated we tend to the Republican side. There are more Hispanic candidates running for the Presidency on the Republican ticket this year that there has ever been in all the years of the Democratic party.
yetimaster almost 10 years ago
The pattern I see is Lalo repeatedly resorting to ad hominem attacks rather than addressing actual political issues.
agrestic almost 10 years ago
Any Bush claiming to end in -an is a fake.
Fake Republicans? I suppose there are a lot of folks who call ’em RINOs.
TIMH almost 10 years ago
Ignore him. He only does this for attention. If nobody takes the bait for a year, I bet he will go away.
lalo almost 10 years ago
Indiethinkyour answer is always “LALO BAD, LA CUCARACHA BAD.” so there’s not really anything to be gained to respond to you. You are just a Stan.
Bye Stan.
calimesacarol almost 10 years ago
I guess today’s strip means Mexican Texans are fakes.