La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for November 17, 2015

  1. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Hello folks, Bin Laden attacked the USA in response for the stationing of American bases in Saudi Arabia, which he felt was an affront to Islam . The bases were placed there during the first Gulf war which was fought due to the oil grab in Kuwait by the Iraqis. At the time the USA was very dependent on Middle Eastern oil, and our economy needed that oil to survive. Now if you think that the American public would have been willing to go into a deep rescission rather than have the first Gulf War, you don’t know your fellow common man. Along with all this the Saudi monarchy has been funding the Wahhabi sect of Islam and exporting it to keep themselves in power. The side effect is the radicalization of Islam thru out the world. If we can keep our selves off the oil teat of the middle east we may be able to extract our selves out of the area. It would be best to leave the area, keep them out of western countries and let them decide who shall rule the area. Since the break up of the Ottoman empire by the western powers after WWI, and the meddling of the west for the last 100 years, it’s a total mess.

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  2. Qc1
    agrestic  over 9 years ago

    There are a lot of folks in power who do love ’em a war, however they can get it. Funny that so few of them think it would be snazzy to send themselves or their kids to fight and kill and die in those wars, though.

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