Liberty Meadows by Frank Cho for November 29, 2008

  1. Wickedcrazy
    WickedCrazy  about 16 years ago

    Brandy loose the towel.

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  2. Wickedcrazy
    WickedCrazy  about 16 years ago

    farleftside:What are you? The perfect person.You’ve never made a typo. KMA.

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  3. Ha thur  har ewe
    stpatme  about 16 years ago

    Farleftside is right; it should be “losen” the towel. :-0

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  4. Wickedcrazy
    WickedCrazy  about 16 years ago

    stpatme:No,It’s a typo.I want her to LOSE the towel.DUUUHHHH.Another friggen knowitall.

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  5. Billthecat
    CountyBloomer  about 16 years ago

    Can SOMEone please explain what these lame-ass comments ADD to the daily comics?

    It’s “lose”, not “loose”, nor “losen”. That last one’s not even a word, in English.

    A spell-checker won’t find a problem - a grammar checker might.

    And yes, I signed up for this free account simply so I could correct all three of you.


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  6. Wickedcrazy
    WickedCrazy  about 16 years ago

    CountyBloomer :DUUUUHHHHHHH!!!!!

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  7. Billthecat
    CountyBloomer  about 16 years ago

    WickedCrazy: WICKED rebuttal. Riveting. Amazing stuff.

    Thanks SO much for playing. G’night.

     •  Reply
  8. Wickedcrazy
    WickedCrazy  about 16 years ago

    CountyBloomer:Gee I’m so sorry,I’m not Knowitall like you.I made a typo. Boy I wish I was as Smart as you.ALL HAIL CountyBloomer.If you make a mistake,do not worry for CountyBloomer will correct you from the Pedestal he she or it is perched upon.

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