Li'l Abner by Al Capp for March 04, 2012

  1. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 13 years ago

    Maybe Fosdick should go back to the padded cell…

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    allencthulhu  almost 13 years ago

    Must…kill…chair…with…illegally…obtained…Tommy gun.

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  3. Marion usmc 1942
    WW2 Marine Veteran  almost 13 years ago

    Me thinks Fosdick is not too bright! lol!!!

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    Pygar  almost 13 years ago

    At the time the Constitution was written, “militia” meant ordinary citizens, ready, able, and willing to fight. It did not mean the “National Guard”, product of the last century, or any other government entity. Paul Revere won fame by awakening the private citizens so they could do their job as the militia. The Constitution must be interpreted as the Founders meant it; otherwise all you would have to do to make it useless is redefine words- which, in case you haven’t noticed, is being done. Three cheers for the Five of the Nine who actually know their duty and do it!

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  5. Img 6884
    Rod Gonzalez  almost 13 years ago


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