Ye Gods man ! Fosdicks devilishly diabolic plan seems to be coming to a a conclusion . Soon he will be in the clutches of " Chippey " ( The Chippendale Chair ) & the tempetuous Delores Basoom ( Noted Neighborhood Chippey ). Alas if only Fearless can maintain a semblance of sanity whilest all this goings on is going on. So as the two evil doers Leonard & Walter wend their way back to the hideout , Fearless cleverly hurls white bricks out the back of the truck. Yes folks, I said bricks. Bricks that made it uncomfortable to lay on. Particularly to a poor soul with a grievous wound or two ( maybe 40 ). Come back tomorrow for the damp, dire, dark conclusion .
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ almost 13 years ago
Yes. What are them things?
margueritem almost 13 years ago
You’ll never out fox Fosdick!
JollyRoger55 almost 13 years ago
Looks like your bullet proof suit worked, Fosdick, among other things.
dvoyack almost 13 years ago
A trail of post-it note so the police can find the crooks and arrest them for littering.
cowboy1 almost 13 years ago
Ye Gods man ! Fosdicks devilishly diabolic plan seems to be coming to a a conclusion . Soon he will be in the clutches of " Chippey " ( The Chippendale Chair ) & the tempetuous Delores Basoom ( Noted Neighborhood Chippey ). Alas if only Fearless can maintain a semblance of sanity whilest all this goings on is going on. So as the two evil doers Leonard & Walter wend their way back to the hideout , Fearless cleverly hurls white bricks out the back of the truck. Yes folks, I said bricks. Bricks that made it uncomfortable to lay on. Particularly to a poor soul with a grievous wound or two ( maybe 40 ). Come back tomorrow for the damp, dire, dark conclusion .
cowboy1 almost 13 years ago
Good nite one & all, it’s been a long long day.