You must be a little ripe, LD. Don’t cry foul, ‘cause they’ll say you’re the definition of it.
So cute the birds holding up the towel! Like the little mice who helped Cinderella make her dress for the ball! Take it like a man LD!
Why does the turtle need a………..TORTOISE!!!………..bucket of water to rinse you off with. You’re going to be washing in a moving stream!
February 08, 2017
GROG Premium Member over 9 years ago
You must be a little ripe, LD. Don’t cry foul, ‘cause they’ll say you’re the definition of it.
amethyst52 Premium Member over 9 years ago
So cute the birds holding up the towel! Like the little mice who helped Cinderella make her dress for the ball! Take it like a man LD!
robert423elliott 8 months ago
Why does the turtle need a………..TORTOISE!!!………..bucket of water to rinse you off with. You’re going to be washing in a moving stream!