Lola; we're playing astronauts discovering a new planet.
ray:L well, frankly youre both too old too be doing this.
LOLA: Life form appears to have large stick up his...
Ray: thats enough
And if you should survive to 105 Look at all you’ll derive out of being aliveAnd here is the best part, you have a head startIf you are among the veery young at heart.Frank and Lola rock!!
scrabblefiend almost 13 years ago
He’s no fun. He needs to learn to be young at heart. That’s what keeps you going.
bethy85 almost 13 years ago
AHAHAHAHA man, I love her!
Jkiss almost 13 years ago
And if you should survive to 105 Look at all you’ll derive out of being aliveAnd here is the best part, you have a head startIf you are among the veery young at heart.Frank and Lola rock!!
Jkiss almost 13 years ago
The same way you live with your many.. many.. many .. issues jack*. BTW at least the stick is removable. :-))))