Really Lu! These big sneakers may be confortable, but they are really not cut to show of any sexy dress!
Now she will be paranoid about how she sits and bends over.
The mini’s cute, Lu, but you unfortunately don’t have the legs for it… yet. P.S. I always liked the sneakers/skirt look on girls, kind of a casual sexy thing going on.
Greg Evans and Karen Evans
Greg Evans
May 24, 2016
Kwen over 8 years ago
Really Lu! These big sneakers may be confortable, but they are really not cut to show of any sexy dress!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
Now she will be paranoid about how she sits and bends over.
ChrisV over 8 years ago
The mini’s cute, Lu, but you unfortunately don’t have the legs for it… yet. P.S. I always liked the sneakers/skirt look on girls, kind of a casual sexy thing going on.