It’s gym class, Tiff. Everyone’s gonna get their hair messed up.
In my junior high school, the girls with longer than shoulder-length hair were advasied to tie it back during gym class. Not that many of them ever did, though.
When tiffany is 73 and slips and falls and breaks her hip she will tell the ambulance crew to be careful and not mess up her hair!
Greg Evans and Karen Evans
Greg Evans
May 24, 2016
ChrisV over 8 years ago
It’s gym class, Tiff. Everyone’s gonna get their hair messed up.
cwizard71 over 8 years ago
In my junior high school, the girls with longer than shoulder-length hair were advasied to tie it back during gym class. Not that many of them ever did, though.
chain gang charlie over 8 years ago
When tiffany is 73 and slips and falls and breaks her hip she will tell the ambulance crew to be careful and not mess up her hair!