That’s okay Lu! We still love you?
Righties couldn’t survive if it was a left-handed world.
does anyone care any longer about the whole left hand / right hand thing? I get the impression no one dwells on it these days.
Luann, left may be all right, but right isnt all wrong, either!
consider Hebrew and Arabic (and others) are written right to left so your hand is on clean paper
My husband is left handed, I am ambidextrous
Greg Evans and Karen Evans
Greg Evans
May 24, 2016
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
That’s okay Lu! We still love you?
Lucy Rudy almost 6 years ago
Righties couldn’t survive if it was a left-handed world.
Schrodinger's Dog almost 6 years ago
does anyone care any longer about the whole left hand / right hand thing? I get the impression no one dwells on it these days.
Troglodyte almost 6 years ago
Luann, left may be all right, but right isnt all wrong, either!
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe almost 6 years ago
consider Hebrew and Arabic (and others) are written right to left so your hand is on clean paper
KathyLittlejohn1 almost 6 years ago
My husband is left handed, I am ambidextrous