Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 25, 1989
Bernice: What's this? Luann: That's my brother's new super astringent, ultra penetrating skin cleanser. Bernice: Sounds potent. Bernice: says "danger! do not inahle fumes! Use in a well ventilated area!" Luann: snork! hee hee hee Bernice: Giggle "always wear gloves and goggles" Luann: Hahaha "avoid contact with tile, asphalt and chromium steel!" Bernice: hee heeha and small animals!" Luann: ha ha ha ha Bernice: If shoulder notify the nuclear safety commission!" Bernice: "also available in new maximum strength!" Luann: Haw haw haw ha ha ha haw haw! Bernice:'s empty. I guess he's used it alot. Luann: no. Just once. Bernice: once...? Luann: giggle giggle Ha ha ha ha
demonesswolf over 12 years ago
Apparently they unhaled the fumes.
stephenhkovacs over 11 years ago
Is this good or what? But how many times has Luann laughed so hard she pounds her fist on the table repeatedly, as shown in the fifth panel? Just wait till Brad finds out about this.