Lucky Cow by Mark Pett for May 12, 2015

  1. Img 4475
    carlosrivers  over 9 years ago

    having “stuff” is not the measure of sucess….

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  2. Img 4475
    carlosrivers  over 9 years ago

    having “stuff” is not the measure of sucess….

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  3. Costa rican frog
    Bob666  over 9 years ago

    Go to college, work while going to school so you don’t get over your head in debt, take a major that is actually useful, work your butt off, graduate, get a job that pays way better than minimum wage, then you can be one of those who has more stuff. PS – if you don’t change your spending habits, you will still live paycheck to paycheck, no matter how much you make in salary.

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