I never thought that Drew would be a ‘traditional’ female; one that wants to be a housewife and mother. Drew’s always been a feminist, Gloria Steinem is rolling over in her grave!
As far as that goes, not all women can have children. My one pregnancy was an ectopic, so I wound up having my tubes tied. Of course, Aunti Flo still comes to visit …
karanne over 10 years ago
I’ll pass on kids, thank you very much!
karanne over 10 years ago
I never thought that Drew would be a ‘traditional’ female; one that wants to be a housewife and mother. Drew’s always been a feminist, Gloria Steinem is rolling over in her grave!
As far as that goes, not all women can have children. My one pregnancy was an ectopic, so I wound up having my tubes tied. Of course, Aunti Flo still comes to visit …
gorbasche2 over 10 years ago
THANK YOU for using the correct “TO NOT” and not the incorrect “NOT TO”. I guess there still are people who care about grammar. Well done, JF.
ChrisV over 10 years ago
No, Lila, children prctically raise themselves nowadays thanks to iPads.