Mike du Jour by Mike Lester for February 27, 2025

  1. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 11 hours ago

    Atheists don’t convert and pray when in peril because they know it changes nothing.

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  2. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 6 hours ago

    Sometimes, I’m never sure whether I’m in a meditative state or a vegetative one.

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  3. 1
    ncorgbl  about 3 hours ago

    There are no atheists in foxholes.

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  4. C324e8d6 ab53 4f1f 9e19 b67868e9fa1f
    Judy Saint Premium Member about 1 hour ago

    That old “no atheists in a foxhole” comment? So debunked. They grab for their guns, right? I like the comeback, “And there is no religion when your daughter tells you she got pregnant from the holy ghost.”

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  5. Construction coffee
    sml7291 Premium Member about 1 hour ago

    Hey folks, just because you believe in fairy tales doesn’t make any of them true.

    For the record, my dog tags do say Atheist in the spot were one of the MANY different religions, including the multitude of xtian ones, would be stamped. Why are so many so insecure that they feel they have to lie about Atheist not being in foxholes, it’s such an absurd meme.

    Some one who has reached the age of reason is often referred to as an atheist (an individual who is not a theist (or not a believer in made up stories)). Religion has nothing to do with reason and everything to do with what brain washing you received as a child. It’s just that far too many lack the critical thinking skills to break free of that indoctrination.

    Do you believe that Zeus is a god and Hercules is his half human son gotten by rape? Many millions of people did. Why don’t you? The old gods must be real if so many believed they were real. And what about all the other thousands of gods and assorted demi-gods that folk have sincerely believed in and some still do?

    Believing in the xtian god and his half human son gotten by rape doesn’t make them any more real than the rest. And if you don’t believe that Zeus and Hercules were real, then you too are an atheist. The difference between irrational and rational folk is that we believe in one less god and recognize that the xtian bible is just another book of fairy tales designed to keep the gullible under control. And most of that book is copied from earlier religions anyway, so it’s not even original lies.

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