Monty by Jim Meddick for November 03, 2008
Monty says, "Doc, we can't wait. You've gotta tell us who's gonna win tomorrow?" Doc says, "I'm afarid revealing information of that sort could jeopardize the space-time continuum?" Doc says, "But even so, I couldn't tell you who'll win, because I don't remember! I'm from 2525! The U.S. election of 2008 is for me, distant history!" Doc says, "How many early U.S. presidents can you recall?!!" Moondog says, "Well, um, there was George Washington...And then...uh...." Monty says, "Um...Lincoln" Moondog says, "And let's not forget Jed Bartlet..."
TravelinMan 14 days ago
Is there a joke in there somewhere?